
Not much going on today. The oldest is at a sleep over and my wife is at work so it is just the baby and I.

Last nights birthday dinner was nice. My family is a freaking riot to hang around and the night is usually spent ragging on someone about something we did when we were kids or the last time we were all together. Since we all live within an hour of each other we see each other pretty often.

The baby got some cool toys and books. We got him some stuff from
gummylump and my mom & dad got him some things from a similar company. The got him these really neat music set with tambourine and cymbals and about 6 other instruments. It was a nice set too, not one of these cheesy $5.99 Wal-Mart specials that would get broken the second day.

We spent most of today just lounging around the house. I built another shelf in the rec room for all the boys games. They were in the map table but the baby was getting in there and pulling them all apart. I think I need to build one more for the toys and then the last one for all the DVD's so he will stay out of them as well. Putting up the shelf today was a pain in the butt though. I could not get it centered on the wall and I did not want to put in dry wall anchors or anything like that as when the shelf is full I was afraid it might tear out of the wall. It is not off center by much and if I put something on the bigger end I think it will be fine. The last thing to do will be to paint the room.

The boys also got some presents in the mail today so I think tomorrow we will head out and hit the store as they got a lot of gift certificates. The oldest wants the new
Nintendo DS. He has the Game Boy Color and the Game Boy Advance but you know kids, they want the newest thing. The nice thing is they are backwards compatible so all the old games work on the newer ones. This time though he has enough in gift cards, so if he wants it he is buying it himself.

For the baby we went out this afternoon and got some of his stuff. He loves Elmo, who I CANNOT STAND, so he got yet another Elmo that makes noise. This one sings and dances but he got a bigger kick out of the fact that it has a level of some sort in it and if in the middle of the dance it goes off balance it says, "whoops!" He sat there doing that for about an hour and was laughing his butt off. When a toddler laughs it is contagious, so pretty soon he had me cracking up at him laughing at the doll.

Anyway, the pain today was ok but by about an hour or so before it was time for the next dose the pain was starting to come back. I know that time release is supposed to be constant but I am curious as to for exactly how long. The numbness in my foot is back today and it feels like it has been asleep all day. Annoying more then anything as it makes it difficult to judge when my foot is on the ground when walking. When it gets bad enough and we are out I grab a cart to walk with but I try to not go out if I do not have too. Good thing my car is an automatic because pushing the clutch could prove to be a bitch and a half.

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