
More on hydrocodone...

For the last week or so I have developed a sudden reaction to something. My wife thought it might be nuts as I tend to eat almonds, walnuts and peanuts so I did some reading on them. Turns out there are different types of nut allergies so the first thing I did was eliminate the peanuts and anything made with them as they would seem to be the most likely culprit. I still had some of the reactions though so I dropped all the "tree nuts" out of my diet as well to see if they were the problem. After 2 days though I was still having the "itching spells" and was at a loss. I figured I would discuss it with the doc during my appointment today but last night I figured it out.

It is the hydrocodone. I had not had anything made with any kind of nuts yesterday and it had been a good 3 hours since dinner when I took the hydrocodone. Within 10 minutes I was scratching like a cat on a carpet. I tried to find some information on hydrocodone allergies and came across some of the side effects which do include itching. I am not sure if it is the narcotics or perhaps the fillers they use, but it does say to notify your doc. All the more reason for me to get off this stuff and switch to something that will do less damage to my liver and kidney's.


opforsoldier said...
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Anonymous said...

I didn't say it was nuts...I said you WERE nuts... :)

opforsoldier said...

Gee, I wonder who could have posted that??? Guess I desreved that for not logging out of blogger before letting my wife use the computer.