
Yahoo! News - 40 Percent in U.S. Use Prescription Drugs

Yahoo! News - 40 Percent in U.S. Use Prescription Drugs

Thought this was an interesting article that deserved some attention. My guess based on the article is that most of these people are on meds for the blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, allergies and ADD. I just checked my meds and while I am generally only on 2-3 at a time I have 9 different prescriptions as well as some over the counter items like benadryl for days that allergies kick in.

Does this mean that we are becoming dependent on drugs to maintain our quality of life? Do we take to many medications and will this have an effect on evolution down the road? It almost seems like a ridiculous question but I am serious. I know in my situation without the medications my quality of life would be close to nil and that would have a serious effect on my family and their quality of life.

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