
Four hour nap?

I finally got some much needed sleep during a four hour nap this afternoon. I fell asleep in the recliner when my wife put the baby down for a nap and woke up to the smell of pizza and the sound of screaming kids. Not sure why I am so tired but i'm glad that my wife let me grab some Z's this afternoon.

It is still freezing out side, actually it is well below freezing as we sit at 3 below zero with a 7 below wind chill. Meanwhile the rest of the country is getting 15 inches of snow, so much for the white Christmas in the plains. Of course with the cold weather comes the pain, which has not let up even with the oxy and darvocet. Looks like I am just going to have to sit this one out for the next few days as it look like we are going to hit 50 on Sunday.

With the pizza for dinner we threw in
Dodgeball which is pretty funny if you remember that it was not made to win an oscar, or any other award for that matter. The cast has been in so many other funny movies especially Office Space which happens to be one of the funniest movies ever made.

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