
Dumbass neighbors

Several months ago we got a new neighbor. Not quite sure what to make of them as the only time I tried to introduce myself was a few days after the moved in. I went over and talked to the guy for about 3 minutes, he just stood there like I was speaking a different language and without saying anything went back in the house. Ok, maybe they are not the talkative type.

A couple of days went by and I noticed that he seemed to be coming home from work when I was taking my son to school. I figured that explained the last conversation as it was about noon which means I probably woke him up or he was just getting ready to go to bed. They keep to themselves for the most part and the only real beef is they park in front of my house all the time taking up my space. Since we live right on the street there is no driveway but everyone has more then enough space for 2 cars in front of their house. He has one car and parks it right in front of mine which means I have to park down by the hospital and walk back. I caught up with him and asked him if he could move his car to the front of his house. He mumbled something but since then he has not parked in front of my house.

Last week they decorated their yard. For a minute I thought I was living next to the Griswald's from Christmas Vacation. I don't even need to turn the porch light on at night since it is bright enough at his house to light up half the block. White trash Christmas is here.

All in all some minor things until tonight. For the last 2 nights I have heard what sounds like someone hammering but it was short lived and I could not see where it was as the backside of the houses were dark. Tonight however I pin-pointed it. It is the dingleberry next door re-roofing his garage at 22:00. They had those big shop lights on, a table saw going cutting what appeared to be 2X4's and they were pounding away for a couple of hours on the roof itself. I cut them some slack as the noise pollution policy in my town is rarely enforced until after 21:30. I figured he would stop then, but no such luck. At 22:00 they were still pounding away and they had a new guy show up to help. I ended up calling the admin line to the jailhouse and they put me through to the police dispatch. I hate calling 911 for something this stupid so I took the long way around. Anyway, they sent a patrol car by to talk to the guy and let him know that he can't be doing that stuff this late at night. I am still shaking my head, who re-roofs at 22:00??? Does he not get a few days off during the week where he could do it during say normal hours? We understand working late hours, like I said in another post my wife works from 16:00 until about 02:00 at the restaurant.

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