
I am not sure why but the pain this evening sucks. The knot in the small of my back is still there and I took the max dose of robaxin hoping it was just a muscle, but I would have thought it would be working by now and it is not. I took the oxy about 9 hours ago which means I have 3 hours to go before I can take it again. I am hoping they will give me something tomorrow for the breakthrough on days like this. I mean not even my recliner is comfortable right now and that sucks.

I spent the evening burning some CD's for my wife, a total of twelve of the suckers. I also downloaded a template for Word that will allow you to make a jewel case insert. It works ok but it is designed for the old style jewel cases not the new slim ones. I just cut out the pieces I needed and tossed the rest. It took me about an hour or so because I just used the desk top. I should have brought the laptop in there and the used the other desktop and I would have been done in about 20 minutes. We have 3 burners and I just used one. I could have had 3 going at a time...Oh well, lesson learned.

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