
***Make a Difference in America...Save Merry Christmas!***

***Make a Difference in America...Save Merry Christmas!***

Here is a site that has some good ideas. It is ever more important that we save the culture of the Christian community in this country. While I may not agree that a boycott is the answer, mostly because it would not work, I like what they are saying. A national boycott is usually ineffective as many people do not get the word or do not realize that a company as large as Macy's parent corporation operates under mny different names.

The funny thing is that
more then 3/4 the US is some form of a Christian religion. We outnumber almost 6 to 1 those who claim no religion but sadly their numbers are growing, almost 110% over 10 years yet we find ourselves being forced to pander to them and remove any symbol of our religious beliefs. We re being told that "Merry Christmas" is no longer acceptable as a greeting and that we should use "Happy Holidays" instead. I am tired of being told by the few how we should live our lives. Worse is they are making this country out to be an overly politically correct place, which is garbage. What ever happened to just being polite/nice? What happened to being allowed the freedom of speech or freedom of religion?

The liberals are slowly hacking away at these rights in fear that the way we choose to lead our lives might offend someone. They want us to be more European. Excuse me? We left Europe because we did not WANT to be like them and wanted the right to do as we please within the confines of our laws. If they want to live somewhere that is all touchy feely and everything is sugar coated so as not to offend their delicate sensibilities then maybe they should head North to Canada like
these people. The only thing I really have to say to them is, Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Wednesday, Dec 22, 2004

First 'Bush refugees' win visa approval

VANCOUVER (CBC) - The first of an expected influx of Americans unhappy with the re-election of President George W. Bush have received their visas to come to Canada.

Hundreds of Americans have expressed a desire to come to leave the U.S. in the wake of Bush's win.

The Kilbourne family of Seattle has already been approved by Immigration Canada, and they're now looking around B.C. for a place to call home. Becky Kilbourne says she has mixed feelings about leaving her life in Seattle, where she works as a state prosecutor.

"It's a little scary because we've lived in the same place and had the same jobs for well over a decade," she says. "I am very anxious to have the kids settled with new friends and in decent schools."

The Kilbournes applied more than a year ago after deciding they couldn't take another term with Bush as president. Tresey Kilbourne says initially they planned to withdraw their applications if the Democrats won.

"With the Republicans in full control of everything, there hasn't been anything that has caused us to think that we weren't doing anything other than the smart thing a year ago," he says.

The Vancouver law firm the Kilbournes first contacted says it has retained more "Bush refugees" – and it predicts dozens of them will be moving to B.C. once their immigration applications are processed.

I would be more then willing to rent a van and drive them to the border myself. The funny thing is how many of them will find out that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. They will find themselves having to pay through the nose for taxes and while they may now have medical coverage under the social programs of Canada, that they will have to wait weeks, months and on occasion years to get the treatment that they need. I have several friends with the same problem I have who live in Canada, they waited years to get the same surgery I had and it only took me a week to get done. They get to live in a country where gas is paid for by the liter and right now it is about 85 cents per liter or about $3.23 Canadian per gallon, even with the exchange rate it is still almost $2.65 per gallon in US dollars. Last time I hot the pumps, which was yesterday we were paying $1.65. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces though when they try to come back to the US.

Anyway, I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

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