
Merry Christmas

Man it is COLD out today. My back feels like someone is beating on it with a hammer and my leg and foot are done. The oxy is barley touching it today and even adding darvocet every 6 hours is not helping. I would have to say that this has been one of the worst pain days in some time including before the pain meds. It sucks, but at the same time I feel pretty good. We did go out for a few minutes to grab some diapers and the leg was bothering me in the store but since it was a short trip I did not mind. I just pushed the cart to steady myself and plow through the crowd of people who waited until today to buy presents. Who shops for gifts at CVS?

Since my son is spending the weekend with my parents we opened up our gifts this morning rather then lugging them all the way across the city. We got him an MP3 player and a boom box for his room as he is really in to music. He also got a ton of gift cards for music downloads, so we let him download enough songs to fill the MP3 player and Sunday we will grab the memory card to expand it. The memory card slot surprised me as it was not mentioned on the box. Turned out to be a good thing because we filled the player up quickly. He is only 11 so we did not think he would need a 20GB Ipod so we bought him a 128MB Phillips. He thought it was the neatest thing he got so my wife and I are happy. He also got some books on HTML and Java Script as he has been tinkering around with it and then some art supplies as he loves to draw (and he is pretty good at it). My sister lives a few blocks from my parents so she is picking up my son and taking him to see Polar Express and then we will head down there tomorrow in the late morning, which means I get to sleep in late!!!

For the baby we got him all wooden toys from
Gummy Lump but for the first time in about a year he has a cold and has been very cranky. He took a long nap today and did not even get up until 2pm and then he fell asleep in my wife's lap at about 5:30pm. Oops, my wife just came downstairs with him, so it looks like he is back up.

My wife and I bought each other our gifts a few months back when a local store was going out of business so we only got gifts from the boys. She got the new Spyro which she was upstairs playing and I got Ghost Recon II (both for the PS2). The boys also bought me some new slippers and sleep pants from Old Navy so I can lounge around the house.

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