
A new pet is on the way...

Not a bad day, some pain towards the end of the day but more likely because I over did it trying to do all the weeks worth of laundry and clean the house. We have some people coming by in the morning to check out the house and talk to us about rescuing a Labrador retriever. We are a pet friendly family and consider them to be part of the family. We even have a list of hotels across the U.S. that accept pets in the rooms. When we travel so does the dog.

We did have a curly coated retriever that we rescued (all our pets are rescues) and when we got him he was about 4-5 years old. He was an awesome dog and loved to play with our oldest son. Being a double coated dog he hated the warm weather but give him some cold weather or some snow and you had trouble getting him to come back inside. Sadly he developed a back problem very similar to mine. We got him on some meds that really seemed to work and after 2-3 days on them he was back to himself. We were able to keep him going for about a year and a half with the meds but then he took a turn for the worst. By this time he was close to 7-8 years and when we took him to the vet they told us there was not much the could do for him. Even with surgery similar to mine they said he would be in immense pain and would probably not live very long afterwards. That was the most difficult decision I ever had to make. Having a similar back problem every part of me wanted to make him better with surgery but both the vets said the same thing and that the only humane thing to do was have him put down. I have not cried since my grandparents passed away, but when I had to walk out of that exam room and Shadow was trying to get up to follow me I was choking them back. He was a great friend and kept my family safe for man years. We will always miss him.

The lady said she would call me in the morning to come on over and talk with us. We have plenty of space for a dog as well we have a fenced yard for when he does go out, which will just be to play with the boys or go to the bathroom. We are not like my neighbor who has those little freaking yap dogs who are out from 5am until 9pm. Why have a pet if you are going to have them outside all the time? I also cannot understand why someone would want one of those small assed dogs. Even worse in when you see someone driving their car with the damned thing in their lap.

I hope they like what they see because we would really like to have another dog and like I said before, we will only take in rescues.

Anyway, I spent most of this afternoon doing all the laundry and getting it folded and put away and then followed that by doing some vacuuming in the kitchen and dinning room so I can mop it in the morning. I think it was the back and forth with the vacuum that did me in. Of course this was all on top of getting dinner made and then cleaning all the dishes and putting them away. We also hit the grocery store to get some more stuff to make pumpkin pies, which I will do tomorrow.

I was going to take my son to the movies tomorrow but when I was putting away the laundry I found that he had torn apart the pull down shade in his bathroom. They are not the greatest things and probably only a few dollars to replace. However when I asked him about what happened to it he lied to me and said it was an accident. Only problem was that it was cut in such a way that there was no way it happened like he said it did. When I showed him what I was talking about and asked him again what happened he could not say anything, so I took away the movie and told him he would have to take the broken one down, measure it and then I would take him to the store where he would use his money to replace it. He is a good kid, but like many 11 year olds he thinks he knows everything and that I have no clue what really happened. While it has been 20+ years since I was that age, I remember it very well.

Hopefully tomorrow is a little better on the pain side. I have no plans to do much more the some baking and moping the floor. After that I am going to flop in to my chair and watch a movie. I ordered Elf, Terminal & White Chicks from Blockbuster online and they should be here in the morning. Since there is no return time and the cost per month is the same as if I rented 4 movies from the store it is worth it to me. Since driving is difficult this is a great way for me to see the new releases without having to drive and risk the pain going up as well I avoid any late fees. For the price of the 4 rentals at the store I was able to get 14 movies last month that we had not seen, including a few of the
Baby Einstein that we do not have for our youngest.

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