
The interview...

We had the people from the animal shelter come by today and they brought the dog with him. He is an awesome dog and seemed to make himself right at home after checking things out. He climbed right up on the couch and laid down like he had been living here for years.

The people from the clinic asked us about previous pets and who our vet had been and they need to call them on Monday and check on how we took care of our pets and they also wanted us to fix some spots in the fence where they feel the dog might be able to get through. I will get those done on Monday and once they check with the vet we should be good to go.

The dog is a black lab but has a bit of something else in him as he has a white tuft on his chest. Regardless, he is a good looking dog and has been well cared for in foster care. Our kids warmed right up to him as did he to they. We did have some concerns with the baby maybe spooking the dog but that fear was quickly dismissed. They were here for about an hour and towards the end of the stay our youngest left the room and a minute or so later the dog went to investigate. I am looking forward to having a dog in the house again.

They did ask if we had a problem with a dog who liked to sleep in the bed. We had to laugh, our previous dog was a Curly Coated Retriever and about 105 lbs. He would try to sneak in to bed thinking we would not notice. He was a funny dog and it was even better during the spring during tornado season. The first clap of thunder would send him jumping in to the bed. We would hear the thunder followed by him thumping down the hall, we would barely have time to make room for him before he would thunk down. Then he would steal the blankets or stretch out to make some space for himself. So we would have myself and my wife on a queen sized bed and then the dig who would want half to himself. I am no small guy at 6' and 200lbs but I would have a thought time trying to get that dog off the bed. We finally bought him a huge pet bed pillow to sleep on and kept it at the foot of the bed. We are hoping the new dog will also want to stay in the room at night.

Anyway, some small things on the fence should be a quick fix on Monday and after they call the vet we are hoping the dog will be here on Tuesday.

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