
Well the baby did not get back to sleep until almost 2am and then he was up again by 7:45, so my hopes of getting to sleep in were dashed away. So now it is just time to wait until we go to my parents house for the afternoon which is a dual purpose mission as my fathers Birthday is today.

My back is ok this morning just a slight tight spot in my back which is probably just from sleeping and should loosen up once the robaxin kicks in and then there is a bit of numbness in my leg and foot which is not to bad. All in all I would say that combined they are only 3 or so on the pain scale and when the meds kick in all the way I should be cleared hot.

I just talked to my son at my parents and they let him open a few gifts since they could not really wrap them and it would give him something to do. They bought him a bike, rollerblades and the safety gear to go along with it. That always gets some bitching and moaning when he sees pictures of my brother and I riding as kids without them. Worse is the pictures of my brother riding freestyle without the helmet, unthought of today. It is tough to explain it to him other then "we did not know any better" which is indeed the truth. He usually settle down quickly and goes out to ride. My parents house is a better place to ride as they live on the end of a
Cul-de-Sac in a quiet neighborhood. Most of the people are my parents age and have grandkids like my son. We also go trick or treating there as it is much safer due to the sidewalks. I live in a section of town that is quite old, my house is one of the newer ones on my street at just over 100 years old. They also just declared my section an historic district. It is so old (but very quaint) that some of the street are still cobblestone and some of the houses have carriage houses that have been converted in to mother in law quarters. Since we are so old there are not many sidewalks, rollerblading or riding a bike can be difficult.

I am looking forward to a nice relaxing day with my parents. I am not sure why but it is always like that at their house, even when it is hectic. A very big plus is that my parents and my wife get along very well as do my sister and sister in law. As funny as that sounds it is important to me. I am glad that she can spend a day with them and not need me around. I also like that my parents will invite just her to an event and that they will ask to have the oldest over for a day or two.

I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and that sometime today you will find a quiet moment to reflect on your year and be thankful for the blessings you have received and to remember our brave men and women who are serving our country, especially those who have given all they had of themselves. Without the brave men and women like them, going back to the founding of this country, we would not be here today as free Americans.

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