
Well it was another good day. I did have some breakthrough pain last night but it was not so severe that I did not get back to sleep. I talked to the nurse practitioner about it and she said to keep track of it and we will discuss it when I come in on the 15th. If need be we she will either adjust the meds or prescribe something just for the breakthrough.

I felt good enough that I finished cleaning up my office and even vacuumed it all out. After re-arranging the desks and tables it really needed it. I then even cooked lunch as I had invited my parents over today. While they live close by and we have dinner together often, lunch is a rare treat since we are always running in different directions. My dad had business in town so I made lasagna for them. It was a good lunch and I enjoy getting to spend time with my folks.

Tomorrow I am going to run to Circuit City and grab a DVD burner. I saw they had some of the internal ones on sale for $40. I would prefer the external but they are all running $170+ right now and if I can get one for the desk top that does the same thing for $130 less then I will just have to suffer with it. I want to start burning all the video I have taken with the miniDV so I can send them to my inlaws. I am sure they would like to see what is going on. They only live a few hours away but their work schedule makes it difficult for all of us to get together monthly.

I also took out some of the Christmas decorations today and will spend some of tomorrow and Sunday getting them out and hanging some of the lights. I need to find more of the chili pepper lights! I like them and found some on sale after the season at target but I still need some more. I found some but they are all going for $15+ and I am not paying that for a string of lights.

Well it is bedtime, my eyes are dropping and my pillow is calling me.

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