
A good day, finally...

Well I like the new meds. I was up and about today and even did some cleaning in my office without having much pain. Had I tried this last week I would have been in the recliner in pain. I rearranged my office and got down behind the desk to clean up the clutter of lines that are behind all computers. Since I work from home and have several computers and printers the tangle was reminiscent of Christmas tree lights in the basement.

Speaking of lights, tomorrow I will break out the decorations after I finish some cleaning in the office. I do not put much up outdoors as I hate the "cluttered" look as well as the icicle lights that are popular. I prefer 1 color (blue) and then I just like them around the trim of the house. I also put some red bow's around the columns on the porch. Simple but elegant in my humble opinion.

For the tree we will buy an artificial one this year. While I like live trees they have become to expensive and no one has the good fir trees I like. I also have a set of 3 trees that I bought from Michaels last year that are pretty cool. I have some chili pepper lights for them and they go in my office. I also have the nativity scene that my parents gave us a few years ago that I put under the trees. I am looking forward to Christmas.

My wife also mentioned that I not only seemed to be moving better today but that my mood seems to be much better as well. I hope this is something that will continue with the oxy. While I am not to thrilled about the physical withdrawal symptoms that I will have to go through someday I am willing to deal with that if the tradeoff is that I feel this good even just most of the time.

One drawback to the oxy is that I will need to monitor when I am down the last few pills and call the refill in. When they wrote the prescription they only gave me a month supply with no refills. I have had trouble with the pharmacy getting my prescriptions refilled in time so if I call it in a day or two in advance it should not be a problem. The good thing is that should I not get it in time and have some problems I live a few doors down from the hospital/ER.


Saija said...

so glad to hear that the new meds are helping!!! that is just super . . .

it is such a balancing act with the meds, that if you get on a good regime now - that is half the battle!!!

my husband has his regular 3 month appts. with his family dr., he gets his shopping list of meds, our pharmacy fills them and he's set for that 3 month period . . . after all these years, his doctor and the pharmacist know that there isn't any abuse going on with the meds and now that he HAS been on the ms contin for so long - he can't just quit taking them . . . that would be lethal . . . plus getting 3 mo. perscriptions saves on the different fees associated with getting the meds filled . . .

i'll keep checking in, hoping to hear that you are doing well and getting on with a new vigour and zest for life! blessings, saija

Gil said...

All right!

Glad to hear you've finally got a regiment that is working. I hope you can get on better now and have lesspain.

- Gil