
I am feeling pretty good this morning after last nights episode. I let the oldest stay up late and we watched Spider Man II and then we were in bed by 22:30 or so. I usually do not let him stay up past 21:00 but I was not sure if I would get sick again or what else might happen. He is a good kid but like a typical 11 year old boy he is somewhat lazy and will do the bare minimum and sometimes not even that.

My back was a little sore this morning but I think that was more because I should have been up by about 7:30 to take it and I did not get up until almost 8:30. I need to either change my time a bit later or set the clock so I can be up on time. I have a feeling that when I have been taking them for a bit longer I will know when I miss a dose by the detox effects. Hopefully we will avoid this!!!

Not much on the agenda today.


Saija said...

my husband sets an alarm so that his meds can have their equal 12/12 hour effect . . . it works well for him . . . he doesn't want a lapse of time in between them . . .

hope the meds give you a BETTER quality of life!!!

opforsoldier said...

As sad as it sounds I did not even think about it. Thanks for the idea and tomorrow I will set my watch alarm.

The meds are working like a charm and I am anxiously waiting for my wifes "weekend", which is Tue/Wed, so we can go do some shopping.