
A little bit of this and that...

I woke up this morning to a numb foot and leg but had some new numbness around the top of my leg, almost but not quite my butt. It was the burning pain that comes with the numbness though that really woke me up and it did not go away for most of the day. Sitting aggravated it so even the recliner was not comfortable. I ended up doing the up and down thing where as soon as the pain starts in one position I move to the other to ease the pain. So every 20-30 minutes you are adjusting or having to get up and move.

I also spent some of the day on the phone trying to track down all the medical records in regards to my surgery and subsequent care. Since I had care at 2 different hospitals and 3 different doctors it is going to take some leg work to gather them all and then sort them out find out which are duplicates as everyone is charging .51 cents a page for copies. I am pretty sure we are looking at 500-600 pages combined. I think I am just going to get the ones that show my services dates for the myleogram and all the epidurals and stellate ganglion blocks. Since my AA is in the lumbar spine I doubt the stellate blocks had anything to do with this but I want them handy in case I develop that far up or have issues later on (at the C-6). I am really hoping that the epidurals and the myleogram lead us closer to the cause.

Since one of the hospitals is near the Toy's R Us I am going to bring the oldest along and when I am done with the records he can hit the store and finish his gift card spending. He has found a microscope, not super high speed but nice, that has a USB connection so you can use it on the computer. I had looked at one like it a few years ago but they were fairly expensive at the time so we passed on it. Now they are less then $100 and the resolution has improved vastly. It only goes to 200x but I have tons of specimens that he should be able to see at that power. I would love to show him a yeast cell but you need 1000x and for that you need oil immersion scopes which even a crappy used one will run towards a $1000.

I also spent some time trying to get an old PC working for my son. It is a 650Mhz and I upgraded it a few times during it's use but it developed some problems that would cause it to reboot at random or not boot at all. I did everything I could think of without tearing it apart so tomorrow and check the memory sticks. I have some extra ones hanging around that I think will work in it as well as a 20GB drive that is good to go. If I can get it working I just need to grab a wireless PCI card and he should be good to go. Maybe then he will stop bugging me to get on my computers all the time. I don't mind him using my computers but since they are both work related I limit his time on them. Even when I am watching him on it he has a bad habit of just downloading anything he feels like and putting it anywhere on the drive. He has not hit a virus yet but trying to find all the damn files and get rid of them is a PITA. Now he can trash his own machine and I don't have to worry about my data base getting trashed. I also have a key logger for it as well as a daily email report of his online activity.

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