
I just got done reading another blog where the author is an advocate of oppressing those of us who are Catholic's/Christian's in the way of not allowing the words "Merry Christmas" and instead using "Happy Holidays". This is a Christian holiday, not Jewish, not voodoo or any other religion. We do not get pissed off when someone says "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Kwanzaa", yet as Christians our rights to celebrate as we choose are slowly eroding away each year at the hands of the ultra-left. They have waged their campaign to remove any Christian related items from our society and I am sure before they are done they will want "In God We Trust" removed from all coinage.

You cannot teach about Christ in public schools, even though it is history. However they teach about Judaism as well the celebration of Kwanzaa, which did not even exist until 1966. I understand that Kwanzaa is neither religious or political when it as started but it has taken on a somewhat of a religious theme over the years. I do not begrudge the people who follow Judaism or celebrate any other festivals of any denomination much in the same way I would hope they would respect my right to say Merry Christmas, and I am sure that they do indeed respect our choices. It is the liberals who have no faith who choose to persecute, swearing up and down that the Bill of Rights the first amendment while forgetting that the same exact amendment gives us the fundamental right to practice our religion in any manner we choose.

If they choose to live their life without faith, that is their choice. However we will not stand by while they attempt to turn the United States in to 17th Century Europe or even the modern day Middle East.

They claim that we have turned Christmas in to a retail holiday rather then a day of remembering what being a Christian is all about. But the really ffunny thing about them is that while they attempt to stop our freedom of religion they will take the Christmas holiday off from work and they will be buying Christmas presents for all their friends and relatives and making sure they milk the time for all it is worth, all the while never letting the true spirit of Christmas in to their black hearts.

I have many friends and even relatives who do not celebrate Christmas for whatever reasons they might have. Some are Buddhist and others are Jehovah's Witness and none of them have ever asked me to not say Merry Christmas or boycott the school Christmas Pageant. Likewise I respect their religious choice and make sure that when I do greet them or send them a card it does not say Merry Christmas, but it also does not say Happy Holidays as they do not celebrate the holiday at all. Instead I send a generic card with a greeting that lets them know what they mean to me, in the true spirit of Christmas. I guess some people just don't get it though and will continue to try to impose their will on others.

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