
Well Echo is finally here, after about a month of jumping through the hoops and getting the yard ready for a dog again. Like all of our animals he is a rescue although this time we adopted him from the shelter where they did the majority of the care. He has warmed right up to the family and is now in the living room taking a nap.

He is a lab/? mix but has most of the black lab features save a large white patch on his chest and is a tad smaller then a full grown black lab. I would say he is about 55-60lbs which is a HUGE change from what we are used to having around. Shadow was about 110-120 and he was about the smallest dog we had before Echo. We love big dogs, especially Danes but we have been unable to locate a Dane rescue with a dog that would fit in with us.

Rescuing dogs can be very rewarding but at the same time dangerous. Many come from homes where they were neglected and/or beaten. They need a lot of time and dedication to bringing them back in to the fold. We love to spend time with them but this time a big concern was our youngest son so we decided to go with a dog that has been in a shelter and cared for properly. Echo is the perfect dog, he is house trained, fixed and has spent his last 6 months with a foster family working with him daily. They do live in this area and the women we worked with was his caregiver as well she works for the local animal shelter.

I will get some pictures of him and put them up but it will be tough. Every time he sees the camera he wants to come over and sniff/lick it.

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