
What can you do about it?

With new technology there are many kits now available for in home testing if you suspect someone of using/abusing drugs. It was not but a few years back that these tests were expensive and had to be done under lab conditions. I was trained by the Army to be a member of it's ADAPC program. I was on a staff of several NCO's within my unit who were advisors to the commanding officer on drug policies within the Army as well we were the ones who at his direction conducted drug testing within the unit. It was a very interesting program.

I did a search on google using "at home drug kits" and found many of them available online as well as at your local pharmacy and places like Wal-Mart. They are simple tests to conduct and they cover many of the drugs in use. This site has a kit for oxy and according to the site it looks like they also have tests for valium and methadone.

This site has some of the warning signs of drug abuse but in the end if you suspect someone you love or care about is hurting themselves by using drugs you should seek professional help in intervention. I do not think this is something people should do on their own. Knowing the symptoms is great but you need a trained professional to help them. You should also not be afraid to help them by going with them and being as understanding as possible. They need someone they can trust to help them get through this. Not many people make a recovery on their own nor do they make it if the people who care about them turn their backs on them.

This site has some explanations of what the DEA drug schedule is with examples of the drugs that are in each level. While this site lists some of the federal penalties that can be imposed for having these drugs illegal.

It simply amazes me what people are willing to risk both with their health and legally to have these drugs. It really makes you wonder what the heck is going through their minds.

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