
Seems like old times...

Well I got back in to the office today and did some work. I mostly did some searches for the companies that we are trying to get business with, gathering some names and the different technologies they work with. We subscribe to site like Hoovers where I can search companies by a ton of different filters. I then enter them in to the database we run, Goldmine and start to make notes on the companies. I also did some searches for candidates which is fairly easy. We belong to several websites that have 1 million+ resumes on them with people working with the technologies we are looking for, I then start calling them to find out their needs and to qualify them for any positions we may have with our clients.

I also do other admin work for the firm and I am in the middle of designing the new company website. I have a new host that has finally provided the MySQL that I need to run the software that I would like. Now I need to work on that database. Basically it will enable us to run a site that either clients or candidates can hit and do a search of what we have to offer. Of course all basic information like names, address etc... will be blinded but the critical skills needed will be there as well as the "experience" part of the resumes. If the client/candidate find a match they can contact us and we will take it from there. Generally you do not do a lot of your business this way but even one placement a year like that takes care of the site fees and leaves some extra. The only way to make placements is to get in the office and work the phone. Certainly not a business for those who do not like to "cold call." It does not bother me so much as when I make my calls I usually have a name to start with and work it from there. If you know who you want to speak to so it is a "luke warm" call IMHO. The worst they can do is tell you to piss off or hang up on you. That does not happen a lot and most people are polite in saying no thanks. It is not like telemarketing if that is what you are thinking. When I call the candidate I am calling with the intent of helping them find the dream position, and it costs them squat. The companies we work with do not pay us unless we make the placement in which case it is a generally a 30% fee (30% of candidates first year salary) paid by the company. Since this is a contingent search it is a win/win. There is a lot more to it then this simple explanation, but basically that is what recruiters do. Luckily for me my father is the President and founder of the firm I work for. A little nepotism never hurts.

Pain level today was low but for some reason I was FREEZING for most of the day. I tried to take a nap about 5pm but froze even though I had two blankets on. My feet were the worst.

I must add though that this morning my pain level was a good 7 when I woke up. I generally am up by 06:30 with the baby but he slept until 08:00. Since I do not sleep with an alarm, I am usually awaken by his stirring around and making noise in bed. Well by 08:00 I was 2 hours past the 12 hour point for the oxy which means it had worn off and would take a bit after taking it to catch up to the pain. By 10:30 all was fine and I was working. Like I said, it felt good to be back in the office.

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