
Well I got out this morning and put the garland on the front porch and the banister in the house and then got the lights on the porch as well. We then finished wrapping all the boys presents and got them under the tree. It finally is starting to look a little like Christmas and all we need is some snow, which is what I here we are supposed to be getting for Christmas.

The back is fairly sore today and I am dog tired, still! Not sure why it hurts other then maybe the cold front that is moving through. The temp dropped and the wind picked up and is now shaking the house. You can hear it creaking, which keeps reminding me of my back. Ouch! I feel good other then the back and while it is painful it is not stopping me from doing stuff today.

My son spent the night at his friends house and tonight his friend is going to stay here, so I ran to the grocery store to grab some munchies for them and stuff to make breakfast with. The store finally has center cut bacon which is much tastier and better for you then what the normal cut. I figured I would make some Belgian waffles, eggs, bacon and some hot cocoa. I have not made waffles in awhile so it will be a change of pace.


Anonymous said...

Can I sleepover and have waffles too? ;)

Anonymous said...

The wife says no!!

opforsoldier said...

The wife does not realize that PB is not a chick. LOL! I explained to her who your are PB and she changed her mind. She did add a caveat though. Last time I had some of the guys over for a few pints she woke to several hungover guys crashed out on my office floor (McDude/BBFH) and someone puked all over the front porch and did not hose it off. That did not sit to well...

Get this though. They finally brought my son home at about 22:00 last night and they only did that after I called. Pissed me off since they said they would be here by about 20:00 and they even called at 19:30 to tell me they were running a bit behind and it would be 20:30. Then they failed to tell me at anytime that their son is on medication for a heart condition and needed his meds every four hours. Since I have to take some of mine like that it was not a big deal, however if my kid had a serious condition like that I would have told them in advance. I am seriously going to have to let them know if they expect to continue sleep overs that when they give a time they no longer get any slack from me. Pisser is the dad is an Army officer home on leave from Korea for the holidays. He of all people should know about timelines and stuff.