
Michael Jordans brother deploys to Iraq


Since I did mention Michael Jordan in a previous post I think it is only fitting that I mention his brother. You all know that I am prior military (infantry NCO in the Army) and that I support all our men and women in uniform. I generally do not like to put one on a pedestal higher then the rest as they are all my heroes, but when someone has the opportunity to not deploy to a combat zone does so to ensure that the men he has spent all that time training make it home safe. Well that says a lot to me about this person.

The rank of Command Sergeant Major is the highest enlisted pay grade in the Army and very few people have what it takes to make it to be a CSM. Their is one person in the same pay grade as the CSM's who "outranks" the CSM and that is the Sergeant Major of the Army, but there is only one SMA at a time.

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