
Holy crap, what was that...

Not sure what the hell just happened but I was in the kitchen with my son who was eating some yogurt and as soon as I bent down to wipe his face for him my back flared up just like when I was first diagnosed with Spondylolisthesis.

For those who do not understand what a flair up is, basically all the muscles in the area are compensating for the lose of skeletal stability. This causes them to overload and send them all in to a spasm which is painful. My pain level shot up to a 9 easily and even after the darvocet it is still at 8.

While I was lying on the floor my wife called my doctor. First she insisted that I go to the ER (which is about 8 houses from me) but the only thing they will do is run another CT scan or MRI and then tell me I had a flair up and give me some lortab. I can save time and money by calling the doc who can tell me the same thing without the 2 hour wait and $3K bill.

The docs nurse just called and said to send someone in to pick up a prescription for some stronger pain meds. He was also going to write a scrip for flexeril but I already have some muscle relaxers so I told her I did not need any of that yet. My guess is he is going to write it for 5/500 hydrocodone.

I also need to call the insurance company. They have been being a royal pain in the butt and are denying claims for me left and right. While the spondylolisthesis is pre-existing the arachnoiditis is not. It seems like they have red flagged me in their system and every claim the doc makes is denied and then I have to call and get it fixed. A few more claims to go and we should be good to go.


Saija said...

sheesh that is terrible! . . . my husband (2 failed back surgeries and scar tissue as tough as cement in there now) gets those from time to time . . . once he bent to pick up his running shoe and he was in bed for 3 days and the pain levels were so great that he had trouble breathing . . . now when he feels that his back is weaker than normal, he is extra careful . . . but when you make that one wrong move in the course of regular, everyday living, it's hard to look out for it . . .

i hope that your flair passes as quickly as it came . . .

opforsoldier said...

The doc wrote me for 7.5/500 Hydrocodone and it is taking the edge off of the flair. So now I am in the recliner just relaxing and waiting for the pain to pass.

When I had my very first flare up from the spondylolisthesis a few years back it happened when I was painting rhe babies room. I had spent the morning taking it easy, had extensions for the rollers and a ladder for the trim. When I got done I was feeling good so I started to clean up the drop cloth and when I went to put the lid on the pain can I had a flare up. I was on the floor for awhile before my wife realized that something was wrong and came up to check on me. What made it worse was that she was making me laugh and everytime I did the pain would shoot through my lower back.

Saija said...

re your laughter comment . . . we've found that over the course of time we have developed a weird sense of humour and can laugh at very morbid things with friends who have some disability or other . . . a get together with a friend who has one arm, his wife has only 1 kidney (and back problems) and then L with his list of chronic problems, can see us all laughing until the tears are streaming down our cheeks over some medical issue or other . . .

our day today is consisting of me getting our christmas cards addressed, and L shifting from his recliner to the bedroom (with a big pillow under his knees) watching sports ...

it's a great life, if you don't weaken! and a good century to have a chronic problem with the meds that are available . . . keep resting . . .

opforsoldier said...

My wife and I have the same "warped" sense of humor and the looks we get from others for it are great! If you can't laugh at yourself you will go crazy.