
Cold weather and damned alarms...

Well after all the snow the other day they are calling for 3" tonight and then again tomorrow. Most of the snow from the other day melted quickly as we hit the high 40's for 2 days in a row.

With the snow has come the cold air and we are dropping in to the 20's at night and barley making it into the mid 30's during the day. Needless to say my back feels like a piece of 1/2" plywood, stiff as a board. Sitting or lying down is not at all comfortable and I seem to be changing positions more often then I normally do. I figure if I stay up until I am so tired it does not matter, I might get to sleep better. Warped theory, but I have seen stranger stuff happen.

I did spend most of the day online and reading. Found some new sites and another blog which have been added to the links. I would like to find some more and link them all together. The more information we get out the better we will all be. Pain for today was moderate, as I said above the colder it gets the worse I seem. I took the max doses of my meds and tried to take it as easy as possible.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day as my wife will be driving out to pick up our son from his trip which leaves me with the baby (and no car!) for about 10 hours or so. He did rack out earlier then normal tonight which is a good thing. If I get him up at 7 I can have him down for his nap by noon. That would leave me only about 6 "real" hours with him which is about normal. If it goes close to the plan then I should even be able to get through the day without having much trouble. Now if I could only get the boy to eat anything other then yogurt, chocolate teddy grahams and pop-tarts I would be set. The last 4 days all he has wanted is junk, although I did get some fish sticks in for dinner last night.

Got the crap scared out of me last night as well. We have an alarm system on the house with motion sensors and door/window sensors. If one of them is tripped it emits a loud shrill piercing noise. When we go to bed I turn on the 1st floor motion detectors. Well, in the middle of the night I heard what seemed to be the alarm going off. I reached down to grab my mag light, which was not where I left it (kids!) so I was looking for something else to take with me as my guns were locked up and the keys were downstairs (dumbass!). About this time my wife wakes up and sees me rooting through stuff and asks "what are you doing?" I asked if she did not hear the alarm going off when she tells me that it is not the house alarm it is the damned attic turbines spinning in the wind. D'oh!!!

Seems that they are a bit rusty and indeed they do sound like the house alarm. I guess I should call the alarm company and ask them if they have any different tones.

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