
I hate the pharmacy!!!

When the doc wrote my prescription for the pain meds I told him I was taking on average about 2 a day, so he wrote it for 60 pills a month and the directions state take 1-2 a day. Well I finished this last fill about 7 days early, which means I averaged 3 a day instead of 2, on a dose that you can take upwards of 6 times a day. I called in the refill (it has 5) and the girl told me she could not fill it because the insurance company said it was to early and they would not pay for it, so I told the girl no big deal since it is only $26 without the co-pay and I needed it. She told me she could not fill it, then gave me a hard time telling me to get the doctor to call her (on a Sunday no less) and authorize it. I read her the riot act and told her what was going on. She had the balls to ask me where the meds went! I kindly explained what AA is all about and broke her down. She finally agreed to refill it but said she would be calling the doc tomorrow to let him know. I said "knock yourself out." While I appreciate her concern about the DEA when it comes to drugs there is no way they are going to get jammed up on something like this.

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