
The burning in my back was not bad today but the cold front is moving in and I am stiff from the lower back through the hips. The numbness in my leg is normal today, that constant nagging reminder that something is wrong and there is nothing you can do other try to not over do it. I spent the morning doing some work on the laptop and then went to get a haircut. The drive over sucked! The lumbar support even when it is all the way deflated bugs the crap out of me. It presses right into the area where my surgery was and is no longer flexible. Glad the trip is only a few miles there and back.

Relaxing tonight. Just got the baby down to sleep after trying to wrestle him down. When he does not want to sleep it can be a major pain in the butt and by the end of the day I am not generally up to the task of chasing a 2 year old around the house. He is a great kid, but when he is wired look out!!!

I did find a space to start a free forum, but I would still prefer it to be in a different format and on my own server space. I sent out some emails to people I know with the same medical concerns and will find some more tomorrow. Hopefully over the next few months we can build it into something. I do belong to email groups, but trying to read through all the emails from 5 different groups can be a pain, especially on the days they are all busy. It can easily be 125+ emails in an afternoon between. Something in a forum setting would at least let people pick and choose the topics that pertain to them. We'll see.


Saija said...

so the worse part of your flair is done, eh? HOPEFULLY!

my husband and i were watching this show on chronic pain today (we try to tape things like that 'cause you never know!) . . . they profiled a doctor by the name of John E. Sarno who is a Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Clinical Fellowships NYU Medical Center (Rehabilitation Medicine) . . . his medical specialty is Chronic Pain; Musculoskeletal Disorders including Neck, Back Pain and Joint Pains (Arthritis) with Medical Interests in Rehabilitation Medicine; the articles/books he's written are on http://www.med.nyu.edu/pubs/sarnoj01.html

his whole thing is mind over matter . . . the tv reporter john stassal (spelling?) used his technique to get rid of a bad chronic back problem that had him suffering for 15 years, and he's been ok for another 15 now with the Sarno technique . . .

i just thought i'd mention it, in case it was of interest . .. i find these "cures" depressing sometimes . . . we actively searched for "a cure" to get L back to work in the 80's, but all roads were dead ends . . . we would get our hopes up and then be disappointed . . . now we are so leary . . . BUT . . . just in case . . . i thought i'd pass it along . . . the story seemed too good to be true and of course they had all the folks who were helped, giving glowing testimonials . . . which is good for them . . . but???? if it a cure, how come it isn't so widely known?

enough on that . . . have a good thanksgiving! the canadian one is in october, so we celebrated but L does enjoy the football and parades on your thanksgiving . . . :o)

opforsoldier said...

I am always interested in hearing about new methods, but like you I take them with a grain of salt. If they are so great howcome they are not well known is how I also feel about it. My uncle had spondy like me and swears that acupuncture works for him, I am a little more skeptical of thatg though. I have even heard of hypnotism being used if you can believe that.

I am looking forward to thanksgiving. We got a ton of snow last night and sledding will be the word of the day for the kids. My youngest is 2 and this will be his first time.