
It's almost over...

Well the oldest made out like a bandit last night. Even though it was cold and raining he stayed out there and came back with a good bowl full of candy.

I slept like crap last night and must have been up once an hour every hour to either adjust or go to the bathroom. When I finally got up for good at about 6am my back was burning, my foot was numb and my whole leg was in a giant spasm. While the pain was not to bad (about a 5)it did make for a crappy morning. No matter what I was unable to get comfortable and standing hurt just as much. The recliner was ok but when I tried to take a nap it was useless. Right now my back feels like complete crap and I am waiting for the doc to call back and see if he will switch the muscle relaxers from flexeril to something else. I have been on the flexeril so long that the max daily dose is no longer working.

There is nothing worth a damn on TV today and I am betting tomorrow will not be any better. While I am all for the issues being presented this election cycle has turned into nothing but mudslinging and lies from all fronts and at every level. What I find really funny is the liberals who preach tolerance for others seem to have the least amount of it for my views.

Maybe tomorrow I will just throw the tube on and blog for the day. I don't know.

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