
Good news...

Well my wife talked to my doc's nurse practitioner today about my situation nd she agreed to talk to me about changing my meds. I have an appointment tomorrow at 11:20 and my wife is going to come with me.

My wife's appointment was for herself today but she said she said she is tired of the way the prescribe my meds. They give me something for a few months but then cut me off citing their fear of addiction, which I can somewhat agree with but when it comes to chronic pain it is moot IMHO. I am also concerned as they always give me something with tylenol in it and it has been shown that prolonged use leads to liver damage and new reports are showing that it also leads to kidney problems.

I have found that lower doses of MS-Contin/Oxycontin are very effective and do not have the tylenol in them. There is also the fentanyl/duragesic patch as well as the fentanyl lollipops in case the patch is not enough.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get off these meds and on to meds that really do more for me and my family. If I can get something that will cut down on the pain a bit more then I think I would be even more functional then I am now. My wife is also going to go to the appointment with me to make sure we discuss everything as I am sure to forget something.


Saija said...

i'm glad your wife is coming in with you . . . i like to go in with L too, helps to have us both ask questions and hear the answers . . . he is on ms contin (for over 3 years now), before that it was talwin/codeine . . . we have been very fortunate to have doctors that understand chronic pain . . . if you are in chronic pain, the addiction part really doesn't apply in the same way . . . of course it is best to keep doses as low as possible, so that there is somewhere to go if you need to up it in the future . . .

i have been telling L about your posts, but he is in a bad pain phase at the moment due to change in weather - hopefully in a few weeks it will have lessened . . . last winter i did a big search on arachnoiditis and printed up things for my husband and for his doctor . . . just to help understand . . .

i wish you success tomorrow . . . saija

opforsoldier said...

I too am glad she is coming with me. While I may be the one in pain this is something that effects both of us on many levels. I also think the docs are more inclined to listen when they have someone who can tell you what they see rather then what the patient say they feel.

I hope L is feeling better soon and is as comfortble as can be right now. Our weather has dropped LOW and we are seeing into the low 20's (-7C) easily at night and during the day right now not much above freezing. Although I was just watching the news and they say 40's (4-5C) later this week and maybe 60 (15C) on Saturday. We have already surpassed our average snowfall for November in the last week by almost 12" in some areas and they say this is going to be a very cold winter here in the plains states. Oh boy, can't wait. NOT!