
A relaxing day at home doing some work online and playing with my son. My wife worked late last night and had to be in early for the managers meeting so we let her get some sleep. My youngest is a riot when he gets going. He will be 2 in December and is just talking up a storm. Every time the phone rings he runs through the house yelling "PHONE!!!" We ended up having to move the phones up higher since he figured out how to turn them on and dial. He also likes to pretend that his play phone works so he walks around talking to my mother, "Nana" and jabbering away saying "yes, yes, yes..." Everytime I try to get him on video doing this though he drops the phone and heads for the camera. I must have a ton of closeups now of his forehead and hands.

My foot has been bothering me all day. It is totally numb and when I tried to take a short nap with the baby this afternoon it kept me awake. It feels like it is freezing cold but I know it isn't. You try to get it warm by wearing thick socks or putting the blankets over your feet but five minutes later you are kicking them off. My leg is not bothering me so much though and my back has been about a 5-6 for most of the day without the pain meds and I had the start of a headache this morning but I took the relpax and had no more trouble with it.

Looks like the kids are out of school on Thursday for Veterans day so I might take the boys downtown for the parade and then to the bakery for some cookies afterwards. We have a local baker who has some kick ass cookies. The boys love them and they also make some great coffee.

1 comment:

Gil said...

I hate that sock thing!!! As soon as you put them on your feet are too hot, and as soon as you take them off you're freezing again. Good to know it's not just in my head...