
Groceries and Christmas shopping...

We got out a bit this evening. After all the hassle with the pharmacy we found out that they changed their hours and close 2 hours earlier then they used to, so I have to wait until tomorrow morning to get my stuff. Not to bad because I called it in before I ran all the way out.

We hit Sams Club to grab some things that we used since the last trip and while we were there I found the perfect MP3 player for our son. We have been looking for one that would fit his needs but was not $250. We settled on a Phillips 128MB for now which is more then enough for an 11 year old and it came with all the ear buds and an arm band holster so we felt we got a good deal for the $70. I thought we might download some songs for him and have them ready to go so when he opens it we can show him how to put them on it. We also thought this might be a good way to have a bit more control over what he is listening to. While he is a good kid, some of the music we have heard is not at all decent for someone his age.

Before we hit the stores I spent some time downloading the video I shot on Halloween and yesterday and did some editing. I set it to music and did some fading and stills, it came out nice in my opinion, I do need to spend some more time with the software and get some better songs. My youngest spends a lot of time tagging along with his brother (9 years difference) and it makes for some cute shots. My plan is to have it done for the holidays and give copies on DVD to each set of grandparents. The school Christmas pageant should be the last event I need and just in time to finish the project.

My back and leg felt good for most of the day with only a slight numbness in the foot and very little pain in the lower back. I felt good enough to walk through Sams club and even helped bring it all into the house. The numbness is returning this evening but I have noticed over the last week that is when it does seem to be worst. Not sure why but even on the days where I have not been to active it does the same thing. I am sure the doctor will call me tomorrow after the pharmacy calls him so I will ask then.

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