
Well it is all over...

Well I had a long post that seems to have gone somewhere into the nether world.

I must say that I am pleased the way the election turned out and that Kerry was smart enough to see that all the recounts in the world were not going to change the fact that he was not elected. I was up until 3am watching the returns and laughing as more and more states turned red. Even better were the liberal blogs like Steve Gilliard and Daily Kos as they first thought all was well but as the night wore on they realized that things were not going as well as they really thought.

Michael Moore is now a has been. His attempt at trying to paint the Republican party as the Third Reich re-incarnate failed. His attempts at propaganda were no better then that of the Nazi party themselves. He is nothing more then a liar who practices exactly that which he accuses the Republican of, and that is distorting the truth. He has also disgraced those who have died fighting in OIF/OEF by using their pictures in a manner that is reprehensible. I imagine that the only people who would even care to be associated with that piece of shit are going to be the far left liberals who just will never understand that the key to being a viable party is unity.

Now it is time the democrats realize that Clinton and his cronies need to be booted from the party or at least taken out of power if they plan to have any future success. I have never seen one party so spread cross a spectrum, almost like they were fighting amongst themselves over what the platform should be. They were a party without any real unity.

Pain over the last 2 days as been minimal and I am not sure if I am having a few good days or if the euphoria from the election is having some kind of effect on me. Either way it is a welcome few days of not having to pop pills every few hours and limp around the house. I even slept very well last night, one of the few nights in a long time that I do not remember getting up during the night. I was asleep by 10 and slept straight through to about 6:30.

1 comment:

Gil said...

I lost a post one time - it ended up that the post was saved yet not published. You might want to check under 'edit posts' to see if it's been saved there....