
Freaking headaches...

I woke up about 4am with a headache but it was not a raging one so after I used the bathroom I went back to bed in hopes that it would be gone. You guessed it, no such luck. I am actually betting on a trip to the ER today as I have already taken the daily maximum of Relpax and cannot take any more hydrocodone until 2pm. With all that this sucker is still hanging in there.

My wife has a doctors appointment this morning (we have the same doc) and she is going to ask about getting something else for these suckers. I was thinking of sending a letter to the doc asking for something along the lines of Toradol and Compazine as they work wonders in the ER. If I had them around I am guessing these trips to the ER would be less frequent.

It snowed again last night but we have not reached the depth they were expecting. Funny thing is the other day they called for 1-3" and we got 9+. This time they called for 3-6" and we got about 1/2-1" so far. It started last night before I went to bed and this morning when I took my son to school it was starting back up. This was that crappy snow too. It is not wet snow but it has been mixed with some ice as the car windows were all frozen. I had to clean them off and now I am thinking it may not have been the smartest thing to do. My back is burning a bit more then usual from the over exertion. It might be time to buy something to put over the windshield so that when it snows all I have to do is pull it off and have a clean window. I guess a trashbag cut along the seams and tucked in to the doors would work.

The cold weather also seems to be affecting my joints more this year. My back and hips just ache constantly when the temps drop down below 32F/0C. It is not the burning/warm pain that I get in the lower back. It is more like two bones rubbing together where they meet. I guess this is what happens when you develop arthritis. It is not bad, just annoying at times.

I did get some work done yesterday and again this morning. I plan on doing a little more once my wife gets home from the doc. It is doing some research on companies and what technologies they are running in their IT/IS departments. My father is the founder and President of a recruiting firm that specializes in IT/IS folks. When he gets busy I give him a hand doing the research. It helps keep me occupied as well as mentally alert. Some of the technology is so specialized that finding the companies can be a pain in the butt, but at the same time the challenge is fun. It is kind of your mind against theirs as many companies do not give this information out easily. It reminds me of when I worked for the bonding company (Yes, I was a bounty hunter). Tracking people down who do not want to go back to jail is akin to hunting an elusive deer. They will do everything to avoid being caught, but if you are sharp they will not stay ahead of you for long. I did the work at the bonding company as a "second" job while I was working full time for an international gaming corporation dealing craps and poker.

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