
I spent most of the day in the recliner trying to not be in pain. For some reason today my back was burning, a good 7 on the pain scale and I had a monster headache that left me feeling like crap. I took a shower and shaved hoping that it would make me feel even a bit better but within an hour I was right back where I started.

My wife put the baby down for his nap about 1pm and went to pick up the oldest from school a bit later on. When she did that I went up to the room with the baby and took a nap. I figured he would sleep for about another 30 minutes or so but he did not get up until about 5pm. I slept like a rock the whole time, which was much needed since I have not been sleeping well. Seems whenever I lay down for longer then a few hours my leg starts to burn and then my foot goes numb.


Anonymous said...

i've been reading your blog during the weekend, and i didn't know if i should put a note here or not ... the only reason being that i didn't want to discourage you ... my husband has arachnoiditis (a couple of back surgeries helped the condition along - including 2 level fusion) ... we have been living with this for 21 years ... the good news is that we have had a "life" during this time, the bad news is that there is still no cure . . . i supposed you have tried the "helps" . . . you know, acupuncture, bio-feedback, hypnosis and T.E.N.S. machine . . . the TENS is what has helped my husband alot . . .

the way you talk about your condition, helping your wife and boys, etc., so reminds me of my husband - back then ... we don't have any children (married 30 years now), so i have been his companion through all this . . . and by the grace of God, life has been mostly good (yes, the bad days come too as you well know) . . .

because you are still relatively young, there is hope for some terrific breakthrough to give you a fuller life ... that is what we pray for ...

so take care of yourself, stay as positive as you can, give your wife the love she deserves (believe me, it is very difficult for a spouse - my husband is a big guy, i am still a 100 pounds lighter and 10 inches shorter than he is!!! but my spirit has needed to be 10 feet tall and bullet proof somedays!) . .. i will keep checking in on your blog and see how you are doing . . . may you find the strength you need for the journey ahead .. . blessings, s

opforsoldier said...

Thank you. We hope that someday they will figure this out but in the meantime I deal with it day to day.

I am enjoying my time with my sons though. When my oldest was born I was an Infantryman in the Army and was gone several weeks out of the month. I missed a lot of his younger years, but we are catching up now.

My wife has been great through all of this and I make sure to let her know that I appreciate all the things she has done for me.