
Today is the day...

Well I woke with another monster headache. I had the doc fill a prescription for the samples of relpax he gave me last time so I have them on hand all the time now. They better be as good as I thought they were because they are freaking expensive. Even with my insurance co-pay they still cost me $35 for 6 of them. I expected the higher co-pay as the scrip was written to fill only with name brand (not sure if they have a generic yet) but I was thinking it would be for the normal 30. When they handed me the little bubble pack with 6 I was like, "uhmm, where's the rest?" Much to my chagrin the pharmacist said, "that is the rest." If they continue to work I guess I am fine with the cost but I hope this is not something I will need to be filling often.

I also got them to change the flexeril over to skelaxin. I have been on the flexeril for the better part of 2 years and it just was not working any longer. I was on double doses and nada. I have had skelaxin in the past and found it to be rather effective.

My foot and leg are not too bad this morning. A knot in the small of my back and the normal numbness in the leg, but none of that electric pulsing/burning of the last few days. When the burning is really bad, it is hard for me to tell if my feet are cold or hot. If I think they are cold and I put on heavy socks I start sweating and when I take the socks off they feel like they are ice cold. Since it is not to bad I will try to walk over to the polling place as it is only about 200 meters from my house. If I take the baby with me I can push him in the stroller for added support.

I remember the first time I voted. It was during my OSUT at Fort Benning. We all cast absentee ballots. It was also the only time during my 19 weeks there that I saw a TV set. One of the Drill Sergeants brought in his portable TV and let the platoon watch it for a few hours in the platoon bay. I remember it being very exciting as many of us were first time voters and were anxious to do our duty as well the TV was a welcome relief from the monotony of training. We did not get to watch to long, if I remember correctly it was about an hour or so of the returns coming in.

My oldest has been very involved in the process this time. He is only 11 but is quite interested in what is going on. We have explained the whole process to him as well have let him watch special reports and the debates so he can see how it all comes together. In his class they have also been following and have done a mock election which I believe they will compare tomorrow to the actual race.

Regardless of how the election turns out I will be glad that it is over. I am tired of the campaigns and mudslinging that has marred this election cycle. It has been from the local level all the way to the top and it is coming from all sides. While I expect some of it to occur, the amount that has been going on since the end of the conventions is to much.

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