
Well the polls are starting to close

Ours closed about an hour ago and the numbers are starting to come in. If Bush cn hold the lead in the states that have not been called as of right now 21:15 Central then he will have the win.

This is a nail biter this evening. I have 2 computers going with each having 3 browsers open checking up on all the sites so I can compare what is going on. We have some very close local elections with one of them flip flopping back and forth between the 2 candidates.

I am obviously hoping for four more years of Bush and right now it is shaping up to be that way but I am also cautious in saying it is a done deal. A lot of votes to be counted out there yet.

It will be interesting to see what that fat piece of shit Michael Moore has to say should Bush win. My guess is he will scream voter fraud or intimidation. He has about 1200 of his cult out at polling stations with video cameras to record what goes on. Of course he may have a deep underlying desire to see Bush win. After all if Kerry loses who would Moore have to make another "documentary" about?

More later on when the picture is a bit clearer.

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