

My back and foot are killing me. My son had a school outing tonight where they all went rollerskating at the local rink. Since my wife had to work I took him. Normally not a big deal but that meant no meds from about 11am on since I had to be at the school to pick him up by 3pm and then at the rink by 6pm. I let him skate for about an hour and a half before I had to come home and rest. By the time I got some meds it was playing catch up so it might be midnight before I really feel any relief. My foot is at the worst it has been in some time. It feels like it is on fire and cold at the same time, never had that before.

I felt bad asking him to leave a half hour early but at the same time I am glad he got to be there for most of the time they had the rink. Most of the kids were there but I was shocked to see how many parents just dropped off their kids and disappeared for two hours. I did have someone ask me if I wanted to skate and I had to chuckle. I could only imagine trying to explain to my wife and doctor if I fell. With all the hardware they installed during the surgery I am sure it would not feel good if I broke or bent it.

Tomorrow is Veterans day so we will take the boys downtown and watch the parade. They have asked all veterans to march but I am not sure that my back and leg could handle the 4 miles they plan on going from staging to parade to end. We will stand by and support though. Being a near several large military installations our parade usually draws a good crowd and is a fun afternoon. Afterwards we will hit the bakery and coffee shop with the boys and let them get one of those huge cookies they like.

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