
Tossing and turning..

Not feeling to bad this morning, but that is after popping some pain meds. However, even with the pain meds over the last few days it has still been painful. Hopefully this means the flare up is nearing the end!!!

I did sleep horribly last night. It felt like I was up every 20 minutes tossing and turning. Top it all off I ran out of water and there was no bottled water in the house. Most people would say grab some from the tap but the tap water in this town is awful. Even with the PUR filter or the Brita the water still has a funny metallic taste to it. Anyway, enough about water because if I let it go to long I will end up installing a reverse osmosis filter. The wife has told me no however...

I ended up crawling out of bed a little bit after 6am after lying there for about 45 minutes trying to get back to sleep. I even tried to lay on my stomach which hurts like hell if I stay like that to long. Nothing worked so I came down and made some coffee and watched the news for a bit.

I did buy my own domain and some hosting space so over the next few days I plan on finding some Blog software and then move all this to that space and then working on some family related stuff as well. When I decide on what and how I will post the link here.


Gil said...

I've been thinking about getting a domain and renting some server space too.... Blogger seems to load very slow over here and it frequently looses my posts in the publishing process. I always make a backup copy before I hit the publish button....

Good to here your flare up might be cooling down!

opforsoldier said...

Check out 1and1.com for cheap space. I went with their cheapest Linux package for about $5 US. You can easily upgrade from there as well. I did not need all the CGI and MySQL/PHP gadgets just yet. Maybe once I get it all going I might add that and start a forum for people like us with chronic pain/injuries.

opforsoldier said...

Oh yea, I am working on mine and waiting for the software to come so I can do some editing, but for now I have a few cheesy pictures on it. Opforsoldier.com