
I spent most of yesterday sleeping in the recliner because of the pain from the flare up and woke up long enough to move upstairs and go back to sleep. I wasn't in the mood to do much else and even just walking upstairs was enough to make my back hurt even more.

Spent this morning with the boys watching some tv but the back is still not up to speed so they did most of the playing. When my wife came downstairs I hung out for a bit and then moved upstairs when the baby took his nap. I tried to grab some Z's but was not tired so I watched Once Upon A Time In America. One of my favorite movies to watch when I have a few hours to kill!

I need to call the doc on Monday and see about getting the pain meds changed. I got some good advice on a few other meds that have no tylenol in them as tylenol is suspected of causing liver problems. While I do not exceed the daily suggested dose or drink in excess I still am not comfortable with something like this being a long term fix for the pain. Nothing like getting rid of the back pain only to need a liver transplant.

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