
The ER is our friend

Well another day another ER visit. The day started fine but by about 2 in the afternoon a migraine was coming on. I was out of meds for them but got the doc to call in a prescription for me. Sadly the pharmacy took their sweet time and before it was filled I was on the bathroom floor disoriented and vomiting. My wife dragged me back to the ER where the pumped with an IV and some toradol, compazine and benadryl. The headache was gone very quickly and the staff once again was super. I feel bad though when I go with such "minor" symptoms. I feel like I may be keeping a bed from someone who really needs it. Luckily they were not busy and my nurse was very cool. When they know me on a first name basis without checking in though I will start to worry.

I was so tired when I got home that I went to bed early and missed Law & Order. I slept from about 7pm until 8am. Funny thing is my wife is on the road this morning taking our oldest to Colorado for his vacation and she called to make sure I was ok. She then started telling me the roads were fine out west of us and I could not figure why she was telling me this. That was until I opened the patio blinds and found that we had about 9 inches of snow last night. Very nice, being a transplanted New Englander I miss the snow. While we get some snow here in my area it is usually less then 20" a season. When we get half that in one night this early in the season...

I will get some pictures and post them later on.


Saija said...

i had a migraine today too! i'm the one who hardly never gets sick, so i look at it as a "good thing" to get so ill i have to go to bed, that way i am more sympathetic to my husbands 24/7 problems . . .

anyway - just wanted to mention that L has tried accupuncture (just make sure it's someone who has clean needles!) . . . by 2 different doctors, and he wasn't helped by it . . . he also tried hypnosis, and that had some good points to it for relaxation - but if you are in BIG major pain, it is hard to do the visualization. biofeed back was more helpful, but the gadget he has used the most is the T.E.N.S. machine - we would recommend that if you haven't tried it . . . you control the strength of the electrical current and put the electrodes where you want to . . . the electrical bursts then distort the pain message (is what L is just now dictating to me), your brain gets electrical shocks which are more bearable because you feel like you're in control . . . so if you haven't tried it, ask you doctor about it . . .

glad your wife is driving on good roads now! sheesh, the weather usually gets bad right when it shouldn't, murphy's law . . .

Gil said...

Glad your trip to the ER was helpful - those headaches can be a reak bear when you start throwing up. I don't get them very often, but when I do I always throw up, loose complete control of my bowels and pass out. Whjat a mess!

That T.E.N.S device - I know the man that helped create it, he is related to my wife through marriage and I met him this last summer. He told me about it and suggested that I try it, but I gawfed at the idea it could actually work. Does it really offer any relief? Maybe I should have listened more to what he was saying, but the guy is one of those who when he breaks his arm he'll set it himself and not go to a doctor (no kidding!) so I kind of took what he said with a grain of salt....