
Yahoo! News - U.S. Forces Storm Into Western Fallujah

Yahoo! News - U.S. Forces Storm Into Western Fallujah

I pray that my brothers and sisters have the courage to do their jobs and bring the fight to the enemy. I pray that they finish this fight and our casualties are minimal.

I have not talked a lot about my time in the military but I grew up an Army brat and spent 9 years between active duty (6 years) and the National Guard (3) as an Infantry NCO (Sergeant). I know what is involved with the fight these men and women will be going in to and pray that their NCO's have trained them and lead them well. I hate that I am sitting on the sidelines watching this instead of being on the frontlines with them. Regardless of my opinions on the war I have always felt a strong urge to be with the soldiers. Some of my fondest memories are of when I was in uniform and oddly they are at times when I was dog ass tired, funky dirty from 20 days without a real shower and another 10 days to go but I was with my buddies. Sadly my surgery and resulting fusion/hardware are permanent disqualifiers from service.

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