
Three blind mice..

It was actually 2 of them but more on them later.

I rolled into bed about 3am with the majority of the votes done. I did not expect to wake up and see a clear cut victory but I did expect to see the final states called, which did not happen.

I got up a mere 3.5 hours later but surprisingly feel very good. No numbness right now and minimal pain in the back. Maybe I should sit in a crappy chair for 7 hours more often. This is the first morning in quite a bit where I did not get up and start popping pills for the pain.

I did have a few presents waiting for me this morning. The other day we saw a mouse running through the laundry room. Being that this is a 100+ year old house on a fieldstone foundation and it is getting cold outside we get one or two over the year. I set out some traps, the humane ones with the swinging door, and woke this morning with 2 of them having mice in them. I took them all the way down the back down by the medical center (about 100 meters) and let them loose. If they make it back across the parking lot, across the street and up the hill then more power to them.

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