
Do we really get an extra hour?

I have always thought the concept of Daylight Saving Time was a stupid idea. We still have the exact same amount of sunlight and darkness, it seems the only thing the changing of the clocks does is make people late for work once a year. Unless you have kids in which case that extra hour of sleep goes bye-bye when your toddler gets up at what used to be 6am.

Anyway, it was a rough night of sleeping. Not sure why that is because I was comfortable when I went to bed but I must have been up 4 or 5 times to change positions or go to the bathroom. Once you adjust it takes me a good bit to get back to sleep. This morning I am a bit sore and my left foot and leg are totally numb. It feels like pins and needles being poked into my foot and my leg feels like one big muscle cramp. I took the max dose of flexeril but like I said before I appear to have developed a tolerance. If this crap stays all day, taking the boys out for trick or treating this evening should be a blast.

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