
Is there a doctor in the house

Well yesterdays headache turned out to be rather severe. By about 10am I could not stand without becoming dizzy and by 10:30 I could not sit or lie down without feeling like I was going to throw up. I walked over to the emergency room but got there the same time as a car accident. Since it is a small ER I walked back home and my wife drove me to the other ER in town.

They took my info and asked me to wait in the TV room until they had a bed for me. Only problem with that was sitting made it worse so I stood against the wall in the hallway and held on to the railing. I guess I must have looked like crap because one of the nurses came out and took me into the ER right away.

They did a litany of tests including checking for glaucoma and an EKG all of which were fine. The doc came in and checked me out and said this was most likely a sever migraine. I told him on the 10 point scale this was an 8. He had the nurse start an IV and then they gave me 3 different things but the only one I remember was benadryl and another one whose name escapes me but they told me was what they normally give for migraines.

Whatever they were the headache went away very quickly and I feel asleep in the room. I am not sure how long I was in there but my wife said it was about 2 hours total, most of that time I was asleep though.


Gil said...

Whoa... I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I'm glad you went to the ER. When those happen to me, right after the last part you described, I pass out, throw up and make a mess on myself and sometimes go into convulsions. Maybe the trip to the ER saved you from that. If nothing else at least it brought relief.

I have read that arachnoiditis can spread quite quickly at times. What you describe happening seems to be a problem near your brainstem. You might want your doctor to schedule a T2 weighted MRI of yuor cervical spine and skull to check for syringomyelia (a CSF filled cyst)or progression there. If it gets real bad it can mess up a whole lot more than just a headache. And if it's syringomyelia they can fix it. Try adjusting the way you sleep at night too (I know it's next to impossible with a messed up back)because twisting your neck in a certain way for long periods can have an impact on your headaches.

Anyway, take care of yourself.

opforsoldier said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I planned on following up with my PCP and I will make sure to ask him about another MRI. Although I have to say after the last hour in the MRI I am not so sure I want to go back in it. It is not the closed space that got me but the inability to adjust position as needed.