
Very sore this morning and I have a huge knot in the middle of the back. My left foot is numb but it is a little worse then it has been. Usually my toes are ok but this morning they are numb as well, almost painfully numb. While I did do some walking around yesterday I doubt it was enough to feel like this way today. I also ran out of flexeril so I need to call the doc and ask him to change me over to Soma or Skelaxin. I have been on the flexeril for the better part of the year and feel that it just is not working anymore as well I am at the max daily dose when I do take it, so it is not like I could step from 5mg to 10mg and see any effect.

I did wake up a bit early this morning so I came down and straightened out the rec room. My youngest decided he would dump a bucket of about 1000 legos everywhere so I wanted to get them back in their buckets before he came down. Cleaning up while a two year old is standing by is useless for as soon as you put one thing up he will take one out. His latest thing is he figured out how to work the DVD player so know he runs around with the DVD remote opening and closing the tray. He is also all about "buttons" and loves to push them, it does not matter what they do as long as he can press them.

Ok, I have to laugh. I am watching the morning news and they are reporting a county that has more registered voters then they do residents. Oooops! I also heard yesterday some idiot tried to sell his vote on Ebay! HOW DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE???

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