
The headache is back this morning. It is starting the same way it did the other day and since I have already taken my meds this morning there is not much I will be able to do if it gets worse. Hopefully when the doc opens at 0900 they will be able to either get me in this morning or call in something stronger then what I have.

The burning in the back is minimal today and not much numbness in the foot. But over the last few days I have noticed a "twitch" in my left leg. It is not like a spasm but every know and then it just "kicks" out almost like someone tapped the knee with the reflex mallet and it occurs at odd times. I have not noticed a particular activity that precedes it but I will keep on watching.

I am going to try to get some Christmas shopping done this morning since I do not have much on the schedule. My sister sent me a website that has some cool toys for toddlers. If you have a need for something for a child under 6 I would suggest Gummy Lump. They have some great stuff and I did most of my youngest sons shopping on there as well as some stuff for my niece and nephew.

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