
Being grounded

My wife called me from work this evening to ask me some questions and a few URL's as one of her fellow workers has an 11 year old daughter who just had surgery to correct her scoliosis.

I can only imagine the pain that poor girl is in. I know that when they do the surgery for that they put in a lot more hardware then I have and it can not be feeling good. She must be a tough trooper to go through that. Hopefully I will get a chance to sit down and chat with her.

I met one other girl who had that surgery. It was about 4 months after mine and we were out eating. I noticed the girls sitting with her back to me had a similar scar like mine but it went further up her back. I did not want to be rude but felt like I had to talk to her. Turns out she was only a few weeks post op for scoliosis but was feeling very good. She seemed to be in good spirits and was certainly doing more then I was doing that close after surgery.

This evening has been fairly painful. Not sure if it is the weather but the barometric pressure was shooting up past 30 last I looked and the temp was starting to drop quickly which can only mean one thing in the plains, RAIN!

Right now I am sitting in the glider upstairs waiting for Law and Order to come on and watching my youngest sleep. He is so peaceful when he is sleeping. I cannot help but smile as I watch him just lying there. I remember doing the same thing with his brother (my oldest son). I was in the Army back then and spent a lot of time out in the field. What little time I did have at home was spent playing with him and spoiling him as much as I could. His mother and I were divorced when he was about 1.5 and she had custody until he was 4. He has been with me since then and is a great big brother.

Anyway, I had to pop some of my pain meds to get through this evening and will have to take another before I rack out. I am hoping it will be just enough to let me get a few hours of decent sleep as tomorrow is a busy day.

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