
It's the great pumpkin Charlie Brown

Another day of pain and recliners. Once upon a time this would have been a relaxing day but when you have to adjust yourself every so often there is not anything relaxing about it. The knot in the middle of the back was there all day and is still there this evening. I ended up having to sit on the floor for awhile with my legs up over the couch as that was the only comfortable position. Of course that was also the signal for the baby to jump all over daddy like he was a rag doll.

I did finally make it to the store to buy a rag mop, bucket and ringer. While the swiffer does a good job for maintenance I need a better mop for a good cleaning. Those cheesy little mops they sell at the grocery store are worthless and don't last but a few months before they need to be tossed. So know the kitchen floor is clean and I can feel good when the baby drops something and pops it into his mouth before I can get there.

With the weekend coming up I was thinking of taking the boys to the pumpkin patch. They have a few round us that have some cool things like a maze made in the maize (corn) and I think there is a cider mill not to far from one of them. Last year they had a blast running around the place but I am not sure how I will be able to keep up with them. Maybe I will call my folks and see if they want to go as well.

Time to go find a new position to sit in as this chair is killing me.

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