
Panic attack...

An entire day without access to blogger. I am not sure why but I could not get to mine or any of the others that I read. Arrrrrrgh!!! Looks like whatever it was s fixed though and I was not the only one as I received a few emails from other bloggers saying they were having trouble too. Pretty boring day without my blogs to read.

Burning in the lower back has been there all day and the knot is back as well. I am sure now that I need to change the muscle relaxer as 20mg of flexeril is not working and that is a double dose. The headache was back this morning but the new meds for that kicked it's ass before it got bad. Same side effect though as the other day and that is it in conjunction with the other stuff knocked me out for a few hours.

I need to do some more reading though on some of the meds for pain management. One of the meds they usually prescribe during pain management is an anti-depressant for it's serotonin producing properties but then the migraine meds reduce the serotonin levels when they are taken. Not sure what the effects of both of them on each other but neither of the websites say they are contraindicated.

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