
Well it turned out to be a nice day and we broke out of the cool period for a few hours as the temperature climbed into the 70's. Almost to warm to go to pumpkin picking.

We ended up going to a close by patch but I was rather disappointed. Rather then allowing you to go out into the field to pick your own they had them all picked and piled up by the barn. We found a few that the boys liked and were then surprised by the ridiculous prices that were not displayed until you get to the register. Rather then the standard .50 a lb they were priced by the size. We got out of there fairly cheap but the poor guy in front of us was quite surprised when the wheelbarrow of pumpkins he had ran him into the $100 range. I could see he was about to choke over the price but he also had like 6 kids with him.

The boys also got to run around the barn area where they had some animals out for the kids to interact with. The youngest kept insisting that anything with fur was a dog regardless of what kind of animal. Overall it was a nice day out and the layout of the place did not require me to walk to far nor did I have to carry a ton of pumpkins so I was able to stay a bit longer then I expected.

We hit the downtown for lunch but found almost all the stores closed which is unusual. About the only thing open was a little candy shop that made a lot of their own chocolates as well they carried a nice line of "nostalgic" candy that I grew up with, so naturally we had to spend some money and get some BB's, Mary Janes and a few other things for the kids. I got a 1/4lb of English walnut fudge.

Now it is time to carve the pumpkins, although I think the oldest said he wants to paint his this year.

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