
Saturday in the park...

It was an interesting debate last night. John Kerry must have said "I have a plan" 100 times but that is about all he said. President Bush did much better this time then last but I would like to see him bust it out for the last one.

I woke with another headache and a throbbing back. Of course a few minutes later the baby woke up so know we are downstairs and he is playing with his lego's. Darvocet is helping a bit but since it is such a mild pain med if the pain gets much worse it does not do much. My guess is the arachnoiditis is progressing a little faster then they anticipated. Heck, they diagnosed it much sooner then most of the studies say it is generally noticed.

I read somewhere yesterday that it can stay localized but it can also spread up the menengies. As the scar tissue grows and surrounds the nerves it cuts off the blood supply and this means the oxygen as well. Basically what you end up with is a dead nerve. Enough scar tissue and you lose feeling in the effected section of the body. This is what is going on with my left leg/foot.

I have done the NSAIDS and medrol with some relief but the benefits I would say were outweighed by the side effects. Some of the NSAIDS they have tried with me are now being recalled. They are the Cox-2 inhibitors Vioxx and Celebrex (not yet recalled) and I have taken Mobic as well. Vioxx and Celebrex worked ok in conjuction with other meds but the Mobic did not do squat. I take that back, it made my stomach upset even when take with food.

More later, time to grab some yogurt and feed the baby breakfast.

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