
Would you still love me???

Another rainy and muggy day.

My left leg and foot are burning today as well as my back. While not being high on the pain scale (about a 5) it is annoying because it makes my foot feel like it is freezing. The meds help control the pain but they do not do anything for the burning, which is the nerves that are being slowly squeezed by the scar tissue, so when the meds ware off the pain is back very quickly.

Someone my wife's works with asked her if my back was really messed up. I have become used to this and laugh it off. However some people are so funny it deserves to be blogged for the others to laugh at. This time they actually asked her if she thought bout leaving since my back was so jacked. You have to wonder about some people, do they actually think before they speak? My wife's reply was spot on, she told her that it is "till death do us part." We have been through much worse in the last 7 years, including both of us losing our jobs right after our son was born. She was laid off and I obviously could no longer do mine with my back and the surgery. We went from being comfortable and owning 2 houses and 2 brand new cars down to 1 house and 1 car as well we ended up draining our savings. We are back on our feet and just in time though, had she not found the position she is in now we might have ended up having to declare bankruptcy to save the house and car. Anyway, like I said we have been through worse and done just fine. It was actually a blessing in disguise, we got to spend a lot of time together as well as with our boys.

It looks like Gil is finally getting another MRIdone which is good news. Hopefully they will get him squared away and find some relief for him.

I did get out for a bit this morning to pick up some items to make cookies for my sons class party tomorrow. I thought we would make some chocolate chip as well as some sugar cookies and use some food coloring to make them orange an/or black for Halloween.

We also cruised by the store and hit the DVD section to get some of his favorite movies for Christmas. We also got him some games for the TV that he has been asking for and we checked out the MP3 players. I thought if we got him something like that, we could have a little more control over what he is listening to rather then just letting him listen to the radio. We can also just download the songs he wants rather then the whole CD for $15+. Still a few other things we would like to get for him but we are mostly done with the shopping for the kids.

We decided for Halloween to offer him some options other then trick or treating. Over the last 3 years the number of people participating seems to have dwindled to almost none. What used to be an easy night to get several weeks worth of candy, is no more. You can go for a block or two sometimes and not have anyone with the porch lights on. So we offered him a movie of his choice and a movie to watch or we could go to my parents house where we might have better luck going door to door. We will see what he picks.

1 comment:

Gil said...

Can you believe people actually have the nerve to ask that? Apparently my wife has had the same thing happen to her. Most of her collueges hint at it jokingly, but a few have come out and directly said it.

When she says something about the difficulties we face at times, coworkers often say to her 'Well that's what you get for marrying a cripple.'(My problem started before we met.)

That people have this attitude really shows more about themselves than it does anyone else. At one time I would have been suprised by the number of people with this mindset. Not any more!

I'm glad your family is sticking together through this. Not all do.